Thursday, October 13, 2011

Vanstory Lighting Company/Gatewood Building Tour

Sketch Series 4

In Sketch Series 1, you observed the light zones in the Gatewood Studio Arts Building.
In Sketch Series 3, you measured the illuminance levels and material reflectances of a chosen space in the Gatewood Building. 
For Sketch Series 4, in groups of three, note the type of luminaire in the space you measured in the last class. Observe the following: 
  1. Type of luminaire (uplight, downlight, etc.)
  2. Mounting type
  3. Lamping
  4. Construction
  5. Manufacturer (if possible or find the closest match online)
  6. Study the photometrics of the luminaire: lumens and lighting distribution
  7. Material and finish
  8. Lensing
  9. Function (fixed, adjustable, etc.)
  10. Ballasts
  11. Environment
  12. Shielding
Draw sketches of the space to show the existing luminaires.
  1. identify the purpose of the space
  2. identify the purpose of lighting, including an identification of ambient, task, accent, and sparkle lighting.
  3. describe the effect of each luminaire in the space.
  4. based upon your observations and reflections, provide recommendations for improving the lighting environment.    
Suggest changes to the lighting quality of the space. Illustrate with sketches. Visit at least two other places.

Studio Stairwell
      a.     Type of luminaire (uplight, downlight, etc.)- semi-direct
b.     Mounting type- bracket (wall mount)
c.     Lamping- fluorescent tube
d.     Construction- rectangular shape with one side glass, 2 lamps
e.     Manufacturer (if possible or find the closest match online)- LAMAR lighting
f.      Study the photometrics of the luminaire: lumens and lighting distribution- semidirect
g.     Material and finish- brushed aluminum
h.     Lensing- transparent glass with serrated bottom
i.      Function (fixed, adjustable, etc.)- fixed
j.      Ballasts- 2lamp ballast
k.     Environment- circulation stairwell
l.      Shielding- none except for the serrated bottom
a. purpose of the space is for circulation
b. ambient lighting
c. it provides a significant amount of diffused light
d. I wish there was lighting closer to the ground to better see where to walk. 
Dining room
a.     Type of luminaire (uplight, downlight, etc.)- multi-directional
b.     Mounting type- screw in
c.     Lamping- incandescent
d.     Construction- tungsten filament housed in glass
e.     Manufacturer (if possible or find the closest match online)- GE
f.      Study the photometrics of the luminaire: lumens and lighting distribution- illuminates the table
g.     Material and finish- brushed metal
h.     Lensing- glass
i.      Function (fixed, adjustable, etc.)- fixed
j.      Ballasts-
k.     Environment- dining room (chandelier)
l.      Shielding- none
a. purpose of the space is for eating
b. task lighting
c. the lighting illuminates the table for eating but also the rest of the room.
d.I think the lamps should have a type of shield. They produce so much glare that you cannot look directly at the fixture from any angle.

a.     Type of luminaire (uplight, downlight, etc.)- multidirectional
b.     Mounting type- screw in
c.     Lamping- incandescent
d.     Construction- tungsten filament housed in glass sphere.
e.     Manufacturer (if possible or find the closest match online)- GE
f.      Study the photometrics of the luminaire: lumens and lighting distribution- gives a soft glow, not enough to light the space thoroughly at night.
g.     Material and finish- frosted glass
h.     Lensing- frosted glass
i.      Function (fixed, adjustable, etc.)- fixed
j.      Ballasts- glass
k.     Environment- kitchen
l.      Shielding- none, though the glass is semi-transparent, acts as a screen to diffuse the light.
a. purpose of the space is for preparing food
b. task lighting
c. it gives off a glow of diffused light and is supposed to provide ample amount of light to perform tasks.
d. This type of fixture and lamp does not work in the space. Every time you turn to the counter, your shadow falls over what you are doing, making the light completely useless. I have to turn sideways half the time to complete the task at hand. I would install a type of track lighting around the space along with recessed and task lights underneath the cabinets.